Registered user since Fri 25 Aug 2023
Itzhak Aviv (itzhakav@mta.ac.il) is the Ph.D. supervisor at Haifa University and Head of MSc Program in School of Information Systems at MTA. He has been involved in complex systems engineering approaches and tools, notably metamodeling and requirements engineering, since 2002. Itzhak brings strong operational capabilities, technology assessments, and strategic analysis of the innovation landscape. Itzhak is also the founder and CEO of Teionet Consulting, with a focus on strategic and technical advice for multinational corporations. He holds a Ph.D. in information systems from Haifa University. He was nominated for the 2019 IEEE RE Top 6 (of 154 papers) award. His area of expertise is digital transformation, and his current research activities are cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, cybersecurity, and quantum computing application. Personal website: https://www.int.mta.ac.il/faculty-members/Dr.-Itzhak-Aviv Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cjkNcMsAAAAJ&hl=en
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
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